Express Testing

Tasteocracy EXPRESS Testers (Plymouth location)

What is a Tasteocracy Express Tester?

An Express tester is a small select group of Tasteocracy Testers between the ages of 18 and 65 who are given exclusive access to certain extra testing opportunities.  These exclusive testing opportunities pay an average of $30 per hour and are in addition to regular Tasteocracy testing opportunities. Regular testing opportunities will still require that you have not tested in the last 60 days with Tasteocracy.Express Tests, only available to our Express Testers, do not have this same requirement. As long as an Express Tester has not tested in the last 8 days, he or she is eligible for any Express Tests that may be available. 

How do I become a Tasteocracy Express Tester?

Spots for Tasteocracy Express Testers are limited.  When a spot becomes available, the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel Survey will be visible in your available studies list.  Recent participation in a regular Tasteocracy test will not prevent you from trying the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel Survey.The testing panel needs a very specific demographic composition, so, depending on the quotas that have to be filled, some testers may have the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel Survey visible to them, while you do not. We will make every effort to ONLY have the survey visible to you when we believe there is a spot available for you. Some of the testing panel needs to have specific behaviors and attitudes. We know that behaviors and attitudes can change over time.  If you try to screen for the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel and find you do not qualify, you will have another opportunity to try to qualify after one year has gone by. Always answer truthfully! You never know the specific behavior or attitude that the panel might need!Only one adult per household may be on the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel at a time.

How do I qualify for an Express Test?

Once you are on the panel, when an EXPRESS test is available it will show in your available studies just like other tests that are available to you. They will be clearly labeled as an EXPRESS Test. If we are offering an Express test it will become available on Tuesdays at 12 noon for a test date that Friday, Saturday or Sunday. An email notification will be sent to all Tasteocracy Express Testers who did not test the week before, but you don’t have to wait for the email. Check your available studies just after 12 noon on Tuesdays to see if there is one or more Express Tests that week. If there is a test, click on “take the survey” and answer the short screening survey. Most Tasteocracy Express Testers will qualify for most Express tests. If you qualify, you will be presented the option to schedule. If you schedule, you will receive a confirmation email with the information about your test. You will receive a reminder email 48 hours prior to the Express test and an automated phone reminder 24 hours prior to the Express test. 

What is it like on test day of an Express Test?

Express Tests will ALWAYS be held at Tasteocracy's Headquarters in Plymouth.  Express Tests will almost always be on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. Express Tests can be as short as 30 minutes and as long as 75 minutes. For tests 45 minutes or less you will be paid $25. 60 minute tests will pay $30, and 75 minute tests will pay $35. Just like our regular tests, it is a good idea to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time of your test. However, the check in process will be faster and less extensive at an Express Test.Just like our regular tests, you will be directed at each step of the way. Once checked in, you will be ushered to the testing room. You will be given instructions about how to interact with the product being tested and how to submit your opinions. Once complete, you will receive your check and be on your way!

Express Testing sounds great! Can I always be a Tasteocracy Express Tester?

We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience Express Testing and we still need a lot of Tasteocracy Testers for our more complex tests, our discussion groups, and our home use tests. Because of this, we limit your participation on the Express Test Panel to one year. Once you have been on the panel for twelve months, you will receive an email letting you know that you are no longer a Tasteocracy Express Tester.All this means is that you no longer have access to these extra testing opportunities. Regular Tasteocracy testing still needs you! You may join the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel again after one year of just regular testing. If you find that Express Testing is not for you, you may opt out at any time.You can do this by calling our customer care line at 763-354-2776.  You may join the Tasteocracy Express Testing Panel again after one year from your opt out date. Tasteocracy reserves the right to remove anyone from our Express testing Panel for any reason.
There are some reasons, however, which will result in immediate removal: 
  • Not Showing Up for a Scheduled Test If a Tasteocracy Express Tester does not show up for an Express test for which they are scheduled, they will be immediately removed from the panel. The No-show will count towards their regular Tasteocracy testing history. All Tasteocracy Testers are inactivated from our testing database upon their 4th No-Show to any Tasteocracy Test. 
  • 4+ Scheduled Test Cancelations While canceling from a regular Tasteocracy test does not negatively affect eligibility for taste tests and home use tests (it can impact discussion group eligibility), it matters if you are a Tasteocracy Express Tester! Tasteocracy Express Testers will be removed from the panel upon their 4th cancellation. It is important for Tasteocracy Express Testers to only schedule for the Express Tests that they feel confident they will attend.
  • Not trying to qualify for an available express test for over six months  We intentionally keep our Express Panel small so that Express Testers have the best opportunity to participate in these extra testing opportunities.  If an Express Tester is not attempting to participate in Express Tests, we will remove that person from the panel so that someone who wishes to test will have the opportunity.